Most settings available in Configuration are also available as CLI options. Below are the available flags



The easiest way to configure svelte-server is by adding a 'setup.js' file in the root of your project. This will export the configuration object to be consumed by svelte-server.

module.exports = {
  // config...

Within this there are two main keys, `props`, and `config`. The props key is used to provide the initial props to the root component. This is useful for a few reasons, but primarily for loading data from your database, files on disk, or external API.

const github = endpoint => {
  return axios.get(``${endpoint})

module.exports = {
  props: {
    '/': async () => {
      return {
        appName: 'Svelte Server',
        changelog: require('fs').readFileSync('./', 'utf-8'),
        releases: await github('repos/reed-jones/svelte-server/releases')

If the route is dynamic (See Routing) , its dynamic properties will be passed in as arguments into the accepting props function.

module.exports = {
  props: {
    '/posts/:post': ({ post }) => {
      // fetchs data related to post...
      return { post }

The other section in setup.js is `config`. This is where various server specific settings are configured

module.exports = {
  config: {
    // path to static public assets
    public: "./public",

    // pages for filesystem based routing
    pages: "./pages",

    // chokidar watch locations (just looks for svelte files)
    watch: ["./pages", "./components", "./layouts"],

    // main page template: uses [ejs](
    template: "index.template.ejs",

    // import aliases
    alias: {
      "@components": "./components",
      "@layouts": "./layouts",
      "@pages": "./pages",


Routing with Svelte Server is entirely file system based. First a base directory is chosen. By default this is `./pages` but can be configured to be anything. From there the url is derived by the kebab-case path the the file. `Index.svelte` files will behave much as you would expect index.html files to.

Routes requiring dynamic pathing can be specified by wrapping the name in square brackets. The caveat here is that `.svelte` files cannot currently be named in this fashion. To work around this, a directory can be named dynamically, and within an Index.svelte file can be placed.


//  pages/Index.svelte
    => /

//  pages/SomethingInteresting.svelte
    => /something-interesting

//  pages/Posts/[Post]/Index.svelte
    => /posts/:post

//  pages/Posts/[Post]/Details.svelte
    => /posts/:post/details

Programmatic Usage

Programmatic usage is available, and has a very simple api.

import svelteServer from "svelte-server";

  .config({ /* options */ })

In the above example, if no options are provided, then all the defaults will be used see: Configuration. The format can match exactly what `setup.js` would be (even importing it directly if you choose) or can be just the `config` key from setup.